Truck No 1 | Driving Truck | Bogie Truck |
Lyngford Light Railway - A 5 inch gauge garden railway
Driving Truck page
The rolling stock consists of a home made riding truck, this is 4 wheel, and I have nearly completed a home made bogie open truck. All that was purchased for these were the wheel castings and some bolts & springs ( the springs were a job lot offered cheap and are a bit too hard really, but will do until something better comes my way) |
This is my second truck. Have you noticed how my trucks never seem to get finished! This is an 'improved' version of No 1. It has an equilizing beam (25mm x 25mm box section steel) to which the axleboxes are welded. This reduces the number of coach bolts required by half! The side frames and buffer beams are built up the same as for Truck No 1, and the wheels are cast iron 3" dia.. I will probably rebuild the body of this one to an open truck with removeable seat similar to the bogie truck.
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©Terry Bowden. 2002 Last updated 13 April 2005